Monday, November 16, 2020

The Gnomish Artificer

 I was reading Roger E. Moore's 2nd Edition sourcebook, Demihumans of the Realms, earlier. Moore was an editor of Dragon Magazine in the 80's and 90's, and in my opinion was one of TSR's better writers throughout that period. He produced a number of short stories in various anthologies as well as at least one novel and numerous magazine articles and pieces that got picked up in other sourcebooks for AD&D. This was one of his few solo authored game books, but on a topic for which he was perhaps the top authority, as he created the various demi-human pantheons for AD&D in a series of Dragon articles in the early '80's. I thought this might be a good place to mine for ideas for my current 5e Forgotten Realms campaign. The book itself is perhaps of somewhat limited utility beyond 2e, as it consists primarily of various 2e specific "kits" to trick out your demihuman PC with. Kits are basically somewhere between a 5e background and subclass, and a lot of AD&D first edition purists dislike them for how poorly they were balanced, but they did provide a lot of customization that was lacking in the base classes. 

I ended up lingering on one of the early entries that caught my attention, the "Artificer, Gnome." Kind of a saner version of a Tinker Gnome, but from Lantan in Faerun. It was also interesting in that it is a Fighter kit, not the half-caster Artificer we have today. So I thought I'd try and recreate a 5e fighter subclass based on the 2e kit, as I thought it could provide a cool narrative arc for a Gnomish Hero who masters martial technology instead of magic, leaning fairly heavily on tool proficiencies to make it work, perhaps too heavily if you aren't a fan of the tool proficiency system. 

Gnomish Artificer Fighter Martial Archetype

The Gnomish Artificer is a skilled builder, inventor, and craftsman who takes his creations and his general problem-solving ability along on his adventures. He combines technical know-how with fighting ability, and in a military force often serves in the engineering or artillery branch, though with gnomes being gnomes is more likely found as an independent operator or as a mercenary providing technical expertise as long as the gold keeps coming his way. This archetype is open to all Rock Gnomes and those of other races mad enough to apprentice to a skilled Gnomish Artificer.

Technical Specialist

At 3rd level, the Gnomish Artificer gains proficiency in Gunsmith’s Tools and Thieves’ Tools. Additionally, the Gnomish Artificer gains Expertise in two tool proficiencies, doubling her proficiency bonus on those two skills, which may include the two gained with this feature. Additionally, at 3rd level the Gnomish Artificer gains proficiency in all Firearm and Crossbow Weapon Proficiencies.


At 7th level, the Gnomish Artificer gains proficiency in all Siege Weapons and gains advantage on all tool skill checks as well as on checks relating to constructing or defending against siege works.

Practical Chemist and Demolitions Expert

At 10th level, the Gnomish Artificer gains Alchemists’ tools proficiency and can spend a day of downtime and 25 GP spent on ingredients found in most large cities to manufacture a small keg of gunpowder, weighing approximately 5 pounds, enough to fire 50 bullets or to create a gunpowder explosive that explodes for 5d6 damage (4d6 bludgeoning + 1d6 fire) in a 10’ radius. Combining multiple days’ work, quantities of gunpowder can be added together to yield larger explosive devices, with 5’ greater blast radius and an additional 5d6 damage for each additional 5 lb. quantity of gunpowder. The Gnomish Artificer can use either Alchemists’ tool or Gunsmithing tool proficiencies (intelligence) to set and light a fuse to explode up to 10 rounds in the future, with a DC of 10 + the number of rounds in the future the detonation is scheduled. If the check fails by one, the fuse simply goes out. If it fails by more than one, roll 1d10. To the number of rounds the in the future the detonation is scheduled, add odd results, subtract even, and the explosion takes place that many of rounds from when the fuse was set to explode. This roll totaling 0 or less results in an immediate explosion as the Gnomish Artificer lights the fuse. The Gnomish Artificer can entrust the lighting of the fuse to an ally, but the ally must use their own tool proficiency check to set the fuse in that instance. The Save DC for those caught in the blast radius is the 8 + the total of the Gnomish Artificer’s Intelligence and proficiency bonuses.

Master of All Trades

At 15th level, the Gnomish Artificer gains proficiency in all tools, and can make a DC 15 proficiency check to comprehend the workings of and utilize any item of foreign or alien technology.

Master of Nature’s Laws

At 18th level, the Gnomish Artificer’s grounding in technology and the laws of nature and the mundane world provides her with an enhanced innate magical resistance, and she gains resistance to all magical damage. 


Image below copied from R.E. Moore, Demihumans of the Realms, p. 21 (1998) TSR Inc. I found no specific artist attribution for the drawing itself.

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